Gonzales is a small town with around 7,000 residents. It is the birthplace for the Texas Revolution and has a plethora of historic sites.
Gonzales Memorial Museum

This is a great, fairly small place that is great for children and adults alike to visit. There is an outdoor amphitheater.
Click here for more information for visiting Gonzales Memorial Museum!

The Eggleston House was one of the first houses constructed after the “Runaway Scrape” during the Texas Revolution and burning of the small settlement in 1836. It features two rooms and is considered the oldest house in the county.
Click here for more information!
East Avenue Lions Park & Splash Pad

From March to October, the Lions park has a free Splash Pad available at Lions Park in town. It is great for keeping the little ones cool.
There are some covered benches and picnic tables to be able to stay out of the direct sun and take a load off. Also, the park has easy access for parking. They are currently in the process of replacing the play equipment to be inclusive to all.
Click here for more information about the park and splash pad!
There are many a few different types of restaurants in Gonzales, but the most common is Mexican food restaurants. All of our Mexican restaurants have a unique taste and atmosphere.
We also have Cow Palace, which is located on the same premises as the livestock sale barn. They have great homemade food and outside access to see cattle going through the ring right next door on Saturdays.
Click here for a list of places to eat in Gonzales, TX!
Come & Take It Celebration
Come & Take It is an annual celebration put on by the Gonzales Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture during the first full weekend in October. Usually the weather is fairly comfortable unlike the summer months. Some of the highlights include a parade, carnival rides, shopping booths, and free live music.
To keep it historic, the locals even put on a battle reenactment for the public to see.
Other contests available are the Mullet Contest, Chicken Flying Contest, Come & Take It Golf Tournament, and Cook-off.
Within a block of the live music and beer tent, the Alcalde Hotel and Dilworth Inn are just a short walk away from all the action. We have personally stayed in the “Elvis” room in The Alcalde. The amenities are great, and there are numerous places to eat within walking distance of the hotels. Also featured is the “Bonnie and Clyde” room.
Click here for more information on the Come & Take It Celebration!
Pioneer Village

The Gonzales Pioneer Village Living History Center, a historic place with homes and buildings from the era of the 1800s to 1900s.
The structures in the village were all donated from Gonzales County residents. Visitors often walk through the time capsule that Pioneer Village is, enjoying the simple life that it has to offer.
In December, Pioneer Village puts together an event called “Stars in the Village” that coincides with Gonzales’s Winterfest. During Stars in the Village, the local community members of Pioneer Village get together and make butter, hot chocolate, candles, blacksmith type items (we got an ornament), and ornament making while dressing the part. This event is definitely worth visiting!

The Old Jail Museum was built in 1885, but was closed as a jail in 1975. The first gallows were built in 1891 and hung the last man, Albert Howard, in 1921 which was the last in Gonzales County.
“A legend persists that while Howard was in jail, he became obsessed with the clock on the courthouse, keeping strict attention to the number of hours he had to live. He swore his innocence would be shown by the clock, that none of the four faces would ever keep the same time again if he was hanged. Through the years the faces have rarely been consistent, ” according to tourgonzales.com.
I do have to say that the old jail was a great place to take the kids and get a tour with a large family group. The tour guide was great with children and adults alike and was very informative.
Click here to visit the old jail museum!
Antique Shopping
Antique shopping makes up a large part of the town’s small business revenue. There are several shops to purchase antique or farmhouse looking furniture and decor. Sometimes you can be lucky enough to find old tools that they don’t make anymore.
Click here for a list of local shops!
Other Recent Activities
Not Far- Palmetto State Park in Ottine, TX (about 10-15 minutes outside of Gonzales)