M, A. (2024, June 4). Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning with Vinegar — Married & a House  | A Catholic Blog for Homemaking and DIY. Married & a House  | a Catholic Blog for Homemaking and DIY. https://www.marriedandahouse.com/theblog/everyhing-you-need-to-know-about-cleaning-with-vinegar

Some of you may know that we recently built a house with Tilson Homes. We absolutely loved our entire experience working with them.

But now, we are actually living in the house. We knew that we were getting energy efficient toilets, however what we didn’t know is how hard these bad boys are to clean.

I know this is TMI, but after someone uses the potty you pretty much need to clean the bowl immediately. I was going through toilet bowl cleaner faster than a racehorse competing in the Kentucky Derby in the wintertime.


Needless to say, I wanted to find something just a bit cheaper as it was beginning to rack up. So, I tried my powdered Comet (Home Depot happened to have it for just $1 in-store) under the sink and it seemed to work just as well as any other toilet cleaner.

I’m sure any brand like Ajax or Bar Keeper’s Friend would work just as nicely as well. With the abrasiveness of Comet or any of the powdered cleaners, it allows for power than liquid without the extra pressure from you.


White cleaning vinegar: full bottle or refill – vegan – zero store. (2023, November 26). Zero Store. https://zerostore.co.uk/product/white-cleaning-vinegar-full-bottle-or-refill/

Regular distilled white vinegar is also great for cleaning toilets. I know growing up we always kept some in the house. Vinegar is very good at getting out stains. It is also a chemical that is friendly to our us since we eat it in many foods that we eat. What I have done is bought a spray bottle from Walmart or HEB to put vinegar in. I then use it to spray on counter tops (only ones I’m not afraid to mess up), showers, bathtubs, sinks, windows, etc. The only thing you need to watch is the fumes that it will put off. It can get overpowering fairly quickly. Make sure to wear a mask or have a lot of ventilation if using.

Pumice Stones

Pumice stones are my go-to for really tough stains. My recommendation is to purchase a multi-pack online and keep them for when you need them. I have been able to take off many rust colored stains with this type. I may have had to use 3-4 bars to get the commode completely clean, but it definitely got it off. My parents and grandparents have extremely hard, sulfurous well water that stains everything rust colored. This can get it off, especially if combined with bleach. Make sure to use gloves if you want to keep your hands from peeling.

I hope this helps!